Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Are Video Games Becoming Too Much Of An Influence on Children?

Ok, growing up as a 90's baby I remember having a huge imagination. I can remember my friends and I playing outside or in the basement Barbies, dinosoaurs, lego's, jump rope, pirates. Back in those days playing with toys and playing outside was the hip thing to do. We had video games but it never consumed hours of our time. Now however, video game & technology consume the lives of children. Now some may say video games have turned into educational tools that are helping students. I however, see it as a way that children are losing a bit of their creativity and touch with the real world. Before children use to come together to play outside activities with their friends. Now they are coming together to play video games in the home.  I don't think video games should be put away completely, but I don't feel as though parents should place as much emphasis and energy on allowing their children to play video games for hours at a time. Tips I think parents should follow to help ensure their children not to get sucked into video games are:

1. Set a limit on how long your child can be on the game. It's ok for children to play, but don't have them play for hours on end. Have your child do something active.
2. Know the game rating on the games your child plays. If your child is 10, they should not have a game that's rated M for mature. It's violent content can do damage to a child's mental growth if not monitored enough.
3. Play with your children. Playing a game as a family doesn't allow the child to get wrapped up into the game. It gives a chance to bond with the child.
4. If under the age of 16, keep the game system in the living room. The living room is something everyone has to use so a person can only have but so much time playing a game.
5. Do your research. As parents it's your responsibility to see and know what is influencing your children. Check on the games they are playing, find out why they like it and if its causing a negative affect on your child.
Bottom line almost 97% of children now are playing video games. Not saying video games are bad, but they are becoming too dependent on by kids.  By kids being wrapped up into games and technology I feel as though a part of their youth is missing. Kids should be spent playing with other kids and not just by playing a video game together. I truly hope that just because we are in the 21st century that the lives of children don't continue to be consumed by technology and games. If so, imagination and creativity I feel will truly die.


1 comment:

  1. Not much time to comment: sorry, but wanted to assure you that I saw your entry (it's great, by the way!) and you have an A in the Blog for the semester
