1. Pong(1972)- This is considered to be one of the earliest arcade video game they came around in 1972. This was a basic two player tennis game. It was two dimensional and considered mainstream. This game was so influential that it led to other games and helped set off the game industry.
2. Space Invaders(1978)-A game created and sold by Japan. It's basic function was to shoot aliens with a laser cannon and to gain points for each shot .The purpose is to defeat five rows of aliens. This game was very popular and earned almost $2 billion dollars in quarters
3. Pac Man(1980)-Pacman was one of the first games to appeal to both genders since the time of Pong. The premise of the game is to go through a maze eating the pac dots. With each level you pass, it gets harder and the colored enemies get faster in trying to attack you. The Pac Man symbol has shown up on everything and is highly recognizable. This game is also considered the highest growing video game bringing in 2.5 million dollars in quarters!
4. Street Figher(1987)- This is one of my favorite arcade games. This game is more than just a typical fighting game. It's considered one of the best video game franchises bringing in $1 billion dollars in revenue. It's also been turned into films and comic book series.

5. Tetris(1988)- Mainly known for a game played on hand helds, was a successful arcade game as well. It's a game available on every console. It was signed over to Atari Games for the arcade game purpose. It remains top playing game with many variations and features constantly being added on.
These are just a few classic arcade games in our history that have affected and influenced the gaming industry to date. These five games have really influenced how games are looked at and have spread off into different areas in the gaming world. Arcade games, although not as popular as they once were, are still played to this day! Without the support from the Arcade games, I don't think the gaming industry would be where it is today.
Some of your entries include "research" and you should note where you got your information. where did you get info on arcade games and images? Good idea for a blog! 4