In the 21st century video games have taken such a dramatic turn that it's hard to imagine video games ever existed two dimensional. However, with all the new and exciting games that have been founded and created in the last decade, I still have to say I'm an old school gamer. For me, old school games from the 90's and late 80's just can't be beat. They're classics!! Here are my Top Four:
4. Street Fighter: Who doesn't remember playing this game? It's simply timeless. I remember playing this game with my older brothers. Now I'm not the most competitive person but this game I can't help but get aggressive and just want to kick someone's butt. For me it wasn't too violent or crazy like some games but still got the point across. Still one of my top favorites.
3. When I think of this game I cant help but to laugh. The idea of a hedgehog as a main character cracks me up. This game I remember was a fun challenging game. You could play by yourself(which I did alot) or play with others. I remember having to collect the gold rings and trying to learn his spin move. Although it wasn't the most popular of all games at the time, I still label it as a classic that I loved.
2. Mortal Kombat- For me, Mortal Kombat is a more intense and violent version of Street Fighter. This was one of my favorite games to play when I was younger and even to this day I'll play this game all night sometimes. It just brings out my inner beast. Something about learning new moves and learning new ways to hurt your opponent that makes the game better everytime I play. I use to be very bad at this game for the longest time. It wasn't until a year ago that I got better after hours of endless practicing, blood shed and screaming at the television. This to me is still one of the best fighting games around.
1. Super Mario 64- Last but not least is Super Mario. Now this game is definitely by far my favorite game ever to be created. This game has a great story line, challenges, characters, and great imagery. Everything about this game is perfect. I remember when I first got this game as a child and would isolate myself for days on end to play this game just go try and get to the next level. The first time I beat the game it took me a while. After that, I beat the game another 3 times easily learning more tricks and different tactics. This game will always be a classic and will always be remembered!
So those are the games that I grew up with. I love them all in their own way. All these games helped I think, to define certain video games today. These games had huge impact on the game industry today and should always be acknowledged for their greatness!

So those are the games that I grew up with. I love them all in their own way. All these games helped I think, to define certain video games today. These games had huge impact on the game industry today and should always be acknowledged for their greatness!
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